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Volumetric 3D tattoos

3D tattoo or realism is the youngest technique for drawing drawings on the human body.

It is not surprising, because in order to display in the smallest detail on the skin, for example, a portrait of a loved one or an idol, it is important for a master to have remarkable artistic abilities.

In addition, it is necessary to have quality equipment for the execution of the work. It is this fact that explains the relative youth of the style of realism.

History of realism

Researchers' opinions on the "age" of this style vary. Some believe that voluminous tattoos arose at the same time as a more or less modern tattoo machine appeared (and this happened at the end of the XNUMXth century). Others are sure that the first realistic tattoos appeared in the XNUMXth century, when the admirers of the commander Napoleon Bonaparte considered it an honor to decorate their body with a portrait of the emperor of France.

By the way, do you know who really invented the first electric typewriter for drawing pictures on the human body? It was the world famous American inventor Thomas Edison. True, at that time (1876) he did not even know how exactly his invention would be used. The fact is that the "electric pen" that Edison patented was in no way intended to apply images to the human body. This device was used by American businessmen with might and main, since it could be used to easily copy important documents. But in 1891, the enterprising American Samuel O'Reilly realized that a slightly improved "electric pen" would be an excellent assistant in the difficult task of a tattoo artist.

Modern admirers of three-dimensional tattoos prefer not to depict politicians on the body, but mostly portraits of children, other close relatives, pets, flowers, and biomechanics. Having received a high-quality tattoo machine at their disposal, talented masters are able to create real masterpieces. Here are sharks, bloodthirsty opening their wide mouths, and biomechanics, as if tearing the skin, and heroes of TV series, and frontmen of rock bands. Unsurprisingly, 3D tattooing is the most expensive tattooing technique on the body, but the result is worth it.

Images of three-dimensional tattoos

In the modern world, less and less importance is attached to the symbolism of tattoos. And if even in the last century a certain pattern on the body could mean belonging to a group, telling others about the occupation of this or that person, today both guys and girls who want to get a tattoo primarily pursue the idea of ​​beauty, attractiveness, or they just want to stand out from the crowd that way. Nevertheless, there are still such connoisseurs of tattoo art who will not go to fill another drawing without giving it a special meaning for themselves. Today we will tell you about the main plots of female and male 3D tattoos.


Thanks to the desire of people to depict portraits of famous political figures on their bodies, the technique of realism appeared, in fact. It is believed that portraits are the most difficult type of work for a tattoo artist, it can only be performed by an experienced master who is capable of accurately, like a photographer, to display every feature of the face, masterfully working with shadows.

A realistic image of human faces requires precision and painstaking from the master: first, the contours are applied, then the dark areas of the portrait are painted, then the colored areas, and only at the end - white. The total time for drawing a portrait can take several sessions, each for 2 or more hours.

Scenes from films

Sometimes fans of a particular film want to capture on their body some important episode of their favorite picture. In this case, the tattoo will come out colorful and large. Such works are usually placed on the back, leg, shoulder.


Often, visitors to tattoo parlors dream of portraying their pet in realism: a cat, a dog, a rabbit. Sometimes it is even more difficult to depict animals in realism than people, since the master is required to work out each feather (in birds) or hairs (in mammals). Often, animals are depicted in their usual environment - against the background of nature, the starry sky, a mountain range.


Films with "iron Arnie" about the terminator inspired young people in their time to modify their own bodies. However, not everyone is ready to really get a silicone or steel implant. Tattoos are another matter. Here you can give free rein to imagination. More often for guys than for girls, 3D tattoos with biomechanics become the ultimate dream. Unlike other images, biomechanics is always in contact with the skin. Like skin-tearing hooks, gears, pistons will terrify the lean inhabitants and make fans of extreme tattoos admire.


Do not be surprised, but this type of voluminous tattoos for girls and guys also exists! Such works look like intricate designs on a piece of wood, but made on a human body.

The role of realism in contemporary tattoo art

As they say, nothing lasts forever, everything changes, improves. The skill of tattoo artists is not far behind. Technique is also changing: modern tattoo machines, compared to Edison's "electric pen", have changed utterly. It is thanks to the innovations of indefatigable progress that the requirements of those who like to decorate their bodies with bizarre drawings are changing in order to emphasize their own individuality.

Every year the ranks of fans of volumetric tattoos are growing and growing. However, do not forget that the work performed in this technique is usually large and complex, and most importantly, it will be with you all your life. Therefore, when choosing a master, you should inquire about his reputation, visit his workplace in advance, making sure that the conditions are acceptable.

Another important point concerns the financial side of the issue. It should be remembered that realism is an extremely complex technique that requires the painstaking work of a good master.

Services of this kind cannot be cheap. The pursuit of cheapness can turn out to be extremely negative consequences for you: from disfiguring your own body with sloppy work to introducing infection into your bloodstream. Yes, applying volumetric tattoos is an expensive pleasure, but believe me, truly beautiful and high-quality work is worth it.

Photo 3d tattoo on the head

Photo 3d tattoo on the body

Photo of 3d tattoo on hands

Photo of 3d tattoo on legs