» Leather » Diseases of the skin » Skin diseases: types, symptoms, treatment and prevention

Skin diseases: types, symptoms, treatment and prevention


What are skin diseases?

Your skin is a large organ that covers and protects your body. Your skin performs many functions. It works for:

  • Fluid retention and dehydration prevention.
  • Help you feel sensations such as fever or pain.
  • Avoid bacteria, viruses, and other causes of infection.
  • Stabilize body temperature.
  • Synthesize (create) vitamin D in response to sun exposure.

Skin diseases include all conditions that clog, irritate, or inflame the skin. Often, skin conditions cause a rash or other changes in the appearance of the skin.

What are the most common types of skin diseases?

Some skin conditions are minor. Others cause severe symptoms. The most common skin diseases include:

  • Acne, blocked skin follicles that lead to the accumulation of oil, bacteria and dead skin in your pores.
  • alopecia areatalosing hair in small patches.
  • Atopic dermatitis (eczema), dry, itchy skin that results in swelling, cracking, or flaking.
  • Psoriasis, scaly skin that may swell or become hot.
  • Raynaud phenomenon, a periodic decrease in blood flow to the fingers, toes, or other parts of the body, causing numbness or discoloration of the skin.
  • Pink acne, redness, thick skin and pimples, usually on the face.
  • Skin cancer, uncontrolled growth of abnormal skin cells.
  • Vitiligo, skin areas that lose pigment.

What types of rare skin diseases are there?

Many rare skin conditions are genetic, meaning you inherit them. Rare skin conditions include:

  • Actinic pruritus (AP), itchy rash in response to sun exposure.
  • argyros, discoloration of the skin due to the accumulation of silver in the body.
  • chromidrosis, colored sweat.
  • epidermolysis bullosa, a connective tissue disease that causes skin fragility that easily blisteres and tears.
  • Harlequin ichthyosis, thick, hard patches or plates on the skin present at birth.
  • Lamellar ichthyosis, a waxy layer of skin that sheds off in the first few weeks of life, revealing scaly, red skin.
  • Lipoid necrobiosis, a rash on the shins that can develop into ulcers (sores).

Symptoms and Causes

What causes skin diseases?

Certain lifestyle factors can lead to the development of skin disease. Underlying health conditions can also affect your skin. Common causes of skin diseases include:

  • Bacteria got into the pores or hair follicles.
  • Conditions that affect your thyroid, kidneys, or immune system.
  • Contact with environmental triggers such as allergens or another person's skin.
  • Genetics
  • Fungus or parasites living on your skin.
  • Medicines, for example, to treat inflammatory bowel disease (IBD).
  • Viruses.
  • Diabetes.
  • The sun.

What are the symptoms of skin diseases?

The symptoms of skin conditions vary greatly depending on the condition you have. Skin changes are not always associated with skin diseases. For example, you can get a blister from wearing the wrong shoes. However, when skin changes appear without a known cause, they may be related to an underlying medical condition.

As a rule, skin diseases can cause:

  • Discolored areas of the skin (abnormal pigmentation).
  • Dry skin.
  • Open wounds, lesions or sores.
  • Peeling skin.
  • Rash, possibly with itching or pain.
  • Red, white, or pus-filled bumps.
  • Scaly or rough skin.

Diagnostics and tests

How is a skin disease diagnosed?

Often, a healthcare professional can diagnose a skin condition by looking at the skin visually. If the appearance of your skin does not provide clear answers, your doctor may use tests such as:

  • Biopsyremoving a small piece of skin for examination under a microscope.
  • cultureby taking a skin sample to check for bacteria, fungi, or viruses.
  • Skin patch testby applying a small amount of a substance to test for allergic reactions.
  • A black light test (Wood's test) using ultraviolet (UV) light to see your skin pigment more clearly.
  • Diascopywhile pressing a microscope slide against the skin to see if the skin changes color.
  • dermoscopyusing a portable device called a dermatoscope to diagnose skin lesions.
  • Zank test, examining the fluid from the blister for the presence of herpes simplex or herpes zoster.

Management and treatment

How are skin diseases treated?

Many skin conditions respond well to treatment. Depending on the condition, a dermatologist (doctor who specializes in skin conditions) or other health care provider may recommend:

  • Antibiotics.
  • Antihistamines.
  • Laser skin resurfacing.
  • Medicated creams, ointments or gels.
  • Moisturizers.
  • Oral drugs (taken by mouth).
  • Steroid pills, creams or injections.
  • surgical procedures.

You can also reduce the symptoms of skin conditions by making lifestyle changes:

  • Avoid or limit certain foods, such as sugar or dairy products, if recommended by your health care provider.
  • Manage stress.
  • Follow the rules of hygiene, including proper skin care.
  • Avoid excessive drinking and smoking.


Are there conditions that put me at an increased risk of developing a skin disease?

Certain health conditions can increase your chances of developing a skin disease. You may be more likely to experience skin changes or symptoms if you have:

  • Diabetes: People with diabetes may have trouble healing wounds, especially on the legs.
  • Inflammatory bowel disease (IBD): Some IBD medications can lead to skin problems such as vitiligo or eczema.
  • Lupus: This chronic condition can lead to inflammation and skin problems such as rashes, sores, or scaly patches on the skin.

Skin changes can also be the result of pregnancy, stress, or hormonal changes. For example, melasma is a common skin disease that mostly affects pregnant women. Conditions such as alopecia areata, acne, Raynaud's phenomenon, or rosacea can get worse when you're stressed.

How to prevent skin diseases?

Some skin diseases cannot be prevented. For example, it is impossible to change your genetics or prevent an autoimmune disease.

You can take steps to avoid contagious or infectious skin diseases. You can prevent or reduce the symptoms of contagious skin diseases by:

  • Avoid sharing utensils, personal items, or cosmetics.
  • Disinfect items you use in public areas, such as exercise equipment.
  • Drink plenty of water and eat healthy food.
  • Limit contact with irritants or harsh chemicals.
  • Sleep seven to eight hours a night.
  • Use sun protection to prevent sunburn and other sun damage.
  • Wash your hands regularly with soap and water.

Outlook / Forecast

Do skin conditions usually come back after treatment?

Many skin diseases are chronic (long-term). Treatment may reduce symptoms, but you may need to continue taking medications or other treatments to keep your symptoms at bay.

Some skin conditions go away without treatment. You may also have periods of remission (months or years without symptoms).

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What else should I ask my doctor?

You can also ask your healthcare provider:

  • What is the most likely cause of this skin condition?
  • What lifestyle changes can reduce symptoms?
  • Do I need to take medication?
  • Are there any side effects of the treatment?
  • If I choose not to be treated, will my condition worsen?

Note from the Cleveland Clinic

Skin diseases include all conditions that irritate, clog, or damage the skin, as well as skin cancer. You can inherit a skin condition or develop a skin disease. Many skin conditions cause itching, dry skin, or rashes. Often, you can manage these symptoms with medication, proper skin care, and lifestyle changes. However, treatment can reduce symptoms and even keep them at bay for months. Many skin conditions never go away completely. Also, be sure to check your skin for any changes, including new or non-healing blemishes or changes in moles. Most skin cancers can be cured if diagnosed and treated early.