» Sexuality » Women's erotic life

Women's erotic life

Many women doubt whether they are good enough in bed. Oral sex is a big test for them, and they constantly feel that they are not good enough. The positions in which the woman is on top also raise doubts about the correctness of the movements.

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1. Comparison with previous partners

Sometimes a negative assessment can be associated with the partner's attitude. It happens that a man is more experienced and claims that he was better in previous contacts. It probably doesn't sound good about your partner if they compare you to other lovers. This behavior can actually lead to braking female expression and spontaneity.

Nobody's perfect. Treat sex as an adventure that always gives you the opportunity to discover and learn something new. We acquire mastery in sex by repeating certain actions that are constantly adjusted by the partner. At the beginning of sexual intercourse, women are forced to overcome barriers and prohibitions that have arisen as a result of upbringing and the acquired sense of shame. The ability to overcome such difficulties is possible through a relationship with a loving partner who is open to discovering the secrets of successful communication together.

2. Talk about sex

Do not be afraid to ask your loved one what kind of caresses he likes the most, at what pace he likes when you caress him, and what parts of his body are the most erogenous. The ability to talk about your needs is the basis for deepening intimacy and development successful erotic life. That way, over time, both of you will have a chance to figure out what excites you the most and what gives you the most pleasure.

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Article reviewed by an expert:

Anna Belous

Psychologist, psychotherapist, personal trainer.