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How long ago did you get a tattoo?

Undoubtedly, the tattoo is in a very good place today. We have fantastic equipment, amazing colors, great designs. But how did this happen and how were the tattoos "in the beginning"?

In this text, we describe three methods that have been used over the centuries to leave a permanent mark on the skin. Of course, tattooing comes from body art. It is more durable, but was initially more limited and only allowed for simple patterns.

How was he once tattooed? - BLOG.DZIARAJ.PL
Posted by Lieutenant Comdr. Charles Fenno Jacobs (1904-1975) for the United States Navy

1. Drapani

Now let's get started. By far the most archaic and radical technique. Was it effective? Of course, because the basics were the same. The "artist" took a sharp instrument in his hand and scratched the painting on the skin. He created a wound along the contours, and then rubbed dye into it. Later? Heal and voila! A permanent image remained on the skin, the appearance of which obviously depended on the precision of the scratch. When we think of this technique, we should go back to ancient times and to South America. It was used by Indian tribes.

2. Needle and thread.

Take care. The second technique is based on sewing attributes. We thread the thread on a needle (the thread could be swinging a beast - hardcore!). Dip in soot mixed with fat. And ... we sew. Sew under the skin, pulling the needle and thread over the selected area. Thus, the dye is injected where it should be and remains there. It did not allow creating super-complex templates (you can forget about 3D!), But it was effective.

How was he once tattooed? - BLOG.DZIARAJ.PL
More modern tools ...

3. Sharp objects

Nail. Pin. A piece of shell. Il. Splinter. Here we are already using a method similar to today. It can also be derived from hand poking, which is gaining popularity. Let's translate this into hitting the skin with a sharp object soaked in paint. A more accurate method, and in some cases (Maori and face tattoos), distinguishing between specific tattoos, depending on their performance. In Japan, even sets of needles were used - familiar?

This is a quick overview of ancient techniques. We are happy to be living in such advanced times when patterns can be created faster and easier, and moreover, many colors can be used!