» Piercing » All about top shell decorations

All about top shell decorations

Conch piercing is popular, and shell top jewelry is incredibly beautiful and exquisite. At Pierced.co we specialize in luxurious and beautiful jewelry for all types of piercings. We aim to be your go-to place to shop for eye-catching jewelry from renowned designers such as Junipurr Jewelry and Maria Tash online.

What is an auricle?

Imagine a seashell. Most likely, you thought of a shell - a spiral sea shell with a flared lip. In honor of these shells, stylists named auricles. The auricle is the inner cup-shaped part of the ear, consisting mainly of cartilage. You can pierce either internal or external piercings, and the location of the piercing depends mainly on the shape of your ear and the type of jewelry you like best.

Different styles of jewelry look better on different parts of the ear. The studs look incredible on the inside sink, and the hoop earrings are perfect for the outside sink.

What is an upper concha piercing?

The upper concha is pierced through the flat part of the ear between the antihelix and the helix, while the lower concha is pierced through the cup near the ear canal. Often people choose to decorate the top of the shell with one stylish hoop earring.

What is the difference between a conch and an orbital piercing?

Orbital piercings are not fixed to a specific location - they can be anywhere on the body where two piercing holes can be made at the same distance from each other to accommodate the ring. A conch piercing can be part of an orbital piercing, but a second hole is needed to complete the piercing.

In short, there is only one hole in a conch piercing.

Both are unique and attractive. Talk to the specialist at your piercing studio about which one is right for you. Top shell jewelry that is suitable for a shell piercing usually appears similar to orbital rings, but they are not interchangeable.

What gauge is the conch piercing?

Most shell piercings are 16 gauge, but sometimes people need 14 gauge. Because every ear is different, your piercer will help you choose the right size during your visit.

Our favorite shell jewelry

Does it hurt to get a conch piercing?

Everyone is different, but most people agree that a concha piercing is painful. A conch piercing goes through the cartilage of the ear, so it will naturally be a little more painful than other types of piercings. Expect a sharp pinch at the very least.

The good news is that piercing is a relatively quick process, so the pain should go away fairly quickly.

Can you wear earmuffs with a conch piercing?

Wearing traditional shell piercing headphones is tricky, as they will almost certainly irritate your jewelry at the top of your shell. You can wear headphones after your piercing has healed, but many people find this uncomfortable.

It is best to use large headphones that completely cover your ears.

How long does a conch piercing take to heal?

A conch piercing may take some time to heal. Generally, you can expect the process to take at least six months, but some people still heal up to a year after the initial piercing.

Watch for any signs of irritation or swelling and make sure you follow the proper maintenance and care instructions. Clean the piercing with the recommended solution twice a day and remember to rotate the top of the shell jewelry so it doesn't get stuck in one position.

Go to a professional piercer

Set yourself up for success by heading to a professional piercing studio right from the start. While the best conch piercings are relatively simple, they can get infected if your piercer is using inappropriate equipment or working in unsanitary conditions.

Once you find a studio that you like, be sure to visit it before getting pierced. Take a look at their workstations and notice how they store their equipment. Don't be afraid to ask tough questions.

Conch piercings are popular for a good reason - they look unique and sophisticated on just about everyone! For the best online selection of top sink decorations, be sure to visit our store at Pierced.co. We have a huge range of options from renowned designers in high quality materials such as gold. We also have uncarved jewelry and a variety of styles to suit all budgets and tastes.

Piercing studios near you

Need an experienced piercer in Mississauga?

Working with an experienced piercer can make a big difference when it comes to your piercing experience. If you are in

Mississauga, Ontario and have any questions about ear piercings, body piercings or jewelry, call us or stop by our piercing studio today. We would like to help you understand what to expect and help you choose the right option.