» Piercing » Keloid due to piercing: what it is and what to do

Keloid due to piercing: what it is and what to do

You have been dreaming about piercing for several weeks now. This is now done. But the healing is not going as planned. A keloid has formed. What to do ? We will take stock with Dr. David Brognoli, a dermatologist.

It's been a week since you got your nose pierced. Before that, everything was fine, but in recent days a small lump has appeared in the nostril. Panic on board. However, you have followed the maintenance tips strictly. Are you wondering what it might be. It is actually a keloid. "A keloid is a high hypertrophic scar extending beyond the initial boundaries of the wound, with a high likelihood of recurrence after surgery."- explains dermatologist Dr. David Brognoli. Is there a cure? Should you take off your jewelry?

How to explain the formation of a keloid?

Keloids are formed when the skin is injured. "All lesions that lead to injury and subsequent scarring can lead to keloid, pimple, trauma.“, - the doctor assures. Surgery, vaccinations, or even body piercings can cause keloids to form. In the case of a piercing, the body produces collagen to “fill"A hole has been created. In some people, the process becomes inflamed, the body produces too much collagen. The gem is pushed outward when the hole is closed. Then it forms a build-up.

What causes keloid formation?

«There is a genetic predisposition“, Says Dr. Davide Brognoli. "Some phototypes (categorizing skin type based on a person's sensitivity to UV rays) are of greater concern: phototypes IV, V and VI.“, He clarifies before adding: "Adolescence and pregnancy are risk factors". A poorly adapted piercing technique can also lead to this type of scar formation.

Can keloids appear on all parts of the body?

“The chest, face and ears can often develop keloid lesions.“, The dermatologist assures.

Keloid, does it hurt?

«Heavy pressure can cause discomfort or pain depending on the location. It may also itch. If this occurs, for example, in a joint, it can restrict movement. Pressure can also cause discomfort or pain.“, - the doctor assures.

Should you remove your piercing?

«Keloid is associated with the traumatic act of piercing. Removing the piercing allows you to better see the appearance of the scar and possibly heal as best as possible, but this will not prevent the appearance of the keloid.“, - explains the dermatologist. On the other hand, the piercing will advise leaving the stone on until the hole has healed. The risk of removing it is that the hole will close again. Note that the healing time may be longer or shorter depending on the location of the gem. Cartilage piercing can take anywhere from two to ten months, and earlobe piercings can take two to three months. Please note that in the event of an allergic reaction or infection, it should be removed immediately while looking for a solution to the problem.

What is the difference between a hypertrophic scar?

«A hypertrophic scar may spontaneously improve after a few months or even a year.“, Says Dr. Davide Brognoli. "The appearance of the keloid does not improve, but rather worsens. ".

What kind of care should I take with me for keloid?

«Prevention is the only really effective method“, Warns a dermatologist. "Once we know the risk factors, certain surgical procedures or simple piercings should be avoided.“, Indicates a doctor. It is important to know if you are at risk. "The appearance of other scars present in other areas of the body allows early recognition of the tendency to form a keloid.is ».

Is there a cure?

«Treatment does not completely eliminate the keloid. However, they can improve it. " - he said before specifying. "Unlike 'normal' scars, which can be treated with surgery or laser, this type of keloid treatment cannot be used."- says Dr. David Brognoli. "There is a high risk of recurrence during surgery, and the result may be worse.". However, corticosteroid injections can improve its appearance during the early stages of keloid formation.

Can a keloid or hypertrophic scar cause an infection?

Rest assured, if the appearance is not aesthetically pleasing to the eye, this type of scar cannot cause infection.

Our product range:

BeOnMe after piercing for treatment

This solution is based on organic aloe vera gel, known for its ability to moisturize the skin. It also consists of sea powder, which has a cleansing effect. Associated with more common salt, it has an osmoregulatory function that promotes physiological balance. This blend of ingredients ensures perfect skin healing. Available here.

Physiological Serum from Gilbert Laboratories

This physiological serum is ideal for cleaning piercings throughout the healing process. Available here.

Caring for your bisphenol A piercing

BPA is a lightweight natural oil that lubricates the piercing, making it easier to clean. It is also useful for opening lobes and dermal implants. Available here.

Some Tips to Help With Healing

Clean your piercing

It is recommended that you wash your piercing with soap and water or physiological serum several times a day and avoid alcohol, which dries the skin and can cause bleeding. Look for olive oil-based soaps to cleanse your incision and promote healing. Dry the jewelry gently by tapping with a sterile gas compress.

Don't play with piercings

Some people take the time to process jewelry. It is a bad idea. It can be a carrier of bacteria and microbes. Remember to wash your hands well with soap and water before touching and cleaning it.

be patient

Don't panic, the healing time may be longer or shorter depending on the location of the puncture. Have your tongue been pierced? If swelling occurs, apply a cold compress or ice cube to your mouth.

These photos prove that piercing rhymes with style.

Video from Margo Rush