» Piercing » How to wear jewelry without thread

How to wear jewelry without thread

Gone are the days when piercing jewelry could only be found from cheap (sometimes even harmful) materials. Today, there are many options for high-quality hypoallergenic metals, such as titanium for implants and solid 14k gold, that look good and feel good. With solid gold jewelry on the rise in popularity, it makes sense to complete your look with piercing jewelry that lives up to par.

At Pierced, you can find a wide selection of solid 14k gold body jewelry, as well as threadless counters and non-threaded backs. Unlike conventional butterfly backings, unthreaded jewelry offers many benefits for jewelry that is meant to be worn for days, weeks, or years.

What is threadless body jewelry?

To help you understand Pierced's threadless body jewelry, it's helpful to know about two other common types of body jewelry: externally threaded and internally threaded.

How to wear jewelry without thread

In the piercing industry, it is customary to avoid jewelry with external threads. They are often made from metals that are high in nickel, which can cause skin reactions - even in people who don't normally react to nickel.

Externally threaded jewelry also does not go smoothly through the piercing. When the jewelry is removed, the threads can injure the skin and promote the growth of bacteria in micro-tears.

On the other hand, internally threaded body jewelry is safe for any piercing. Since the threads are inside the post/rod, the decoration can safely pass through the puncture.

But there is an equally safer alternative to internally threaded jewelry - one with some additional key benefits over female threads - and which is the standard at Pierced: unthreaded body jewelry.

Unthreaded jewelry is currently the leading standard for jewelry in the body piercing industry. It offers a wide range of size and stud options, allowing it to be universally worn with a variety of piercings. Whether you want something for everyday wear or for special occasions, we have it for you! 

Unlike the external and internal thread styles, threadless body jewelry lives up to its name: it has no thread at all.

These parts are held together by the tension created when the pin of the ornamental tip (the part that is usually patterned and most commonly worn on the front of the ear) is slightly bent and fully pressed into the back of the tube (in the piercing industry). , this part is commonly referred to as the flat-back rack). 

How To Do A Threadless Jewelry Change | PIERCED

How to wear jewelry without thread

"Threadless" refers to the connection method used in this decoration. As the name suggests, there are no threads. The decorative head has a strong pin that protrudes to fit into the rack. This pin is bent by your piercer and the stress caused by the bending of the pin inside the pin is holding the jewelry together.

The stronger the bend, the denser the decorative head is inside the post. Much of our interest in threadless jewelry comes from the inherent safety feature they offer. If your jewelry gets caught on something, the connection must come loose before the leather breaks.

Since there is no thread, no turning is required to remove it. You just prop up the post and pull the head out of it. 

How to wear jewelry without thread

Why choose threadless body jewelry?

The key benefits of threadless body jewelry are safety, reliability, comfort and ease of change. Here are the top reasons why you should choose this style:

How to remove jewelry without thread

Grasp both ends of the decoration and pull them in opposite directions. You may need to add a little twisting motion. And don't do it over a bathroom sink without a plug - these pieces are very small and you don't want to lose your precious jewelry down the drain.

Can regular jewelry with threadless pins be worn?

It is important to note that threadless jewelry is only compatible with threadless pins and vice versa. You can't take a normal earring stud and put it in a Press Fit tube. They do not fit or bend, unlike the unthreaded end pins, which are very thin and moderately flexible.

Need a replacement post?

Our pins are made from solid titanium grade ASTM F-136 which is durable, hypoallergenic and safe for sensitive skin. They are also polished to a mirror finish so there is no room for bacteria to thrive and infections to occur.

Flat back stands help create a neat look to your ear jewelry collection so it looks its best from all angles. They're also perfect for side sleepers with embellishments and are the most comfortable to wear - say goodbye to butterfly backs that catch on things or poke you.

Buy a flat back pin for threadless jewelry