» Places for tattoos » Arm tattoos

Arm tattoos

Remembering the origins of body painting, namely tribal tattoos, one cannot but say about the tattoo on the arms. Historically, it was on the hands that tattoos were applied, not only to indicate social status or profession, but also for aesthetic purposes.

The arm is the most mobile part of the human body, it has many curves and lines. To begin with, from the point of view of a tattoo, the arm can be divided into several sections:

Eye-on-shoulder tattooSpider-and-web-tattoo on elbowPhoto-tattoo-on-forearm-38

Each of the above body parts has its own type of sketches. For example, letters and numbers are most often applied on the fingers. Sometimes quite unusual and original tattoos are made on these small-sized places, for example, a mustache. The most popular wrist tattoo designs are stars.

An inscription, flames or flowers will look great on the forearm. The shoulder is one of the most versatile places for an artistic tattoo, with hundreds of ideas and sketches to offer. For each area of ​​the hand on our website there is a corresponding article where you can find more ideas, details and important points regarding the tattoo.

The most popular sketches of tattoos on hands are inscriptions. By the way, if you opt for them, the site vse-o-tattoo.ru has a huge collection of fonts, among which there will certainly be one that is right for you!

As for the hands in general, there is a special a type of tattoo called a sleeve... You can also read about this type of tattoo in the corresponding article. Let's just say that the sleeves are divided into

  • A long - full arm tattoo, from shoulder to wrist;
  • Half - tattoo in half of the arm, from shoulder to elbow or from elbow to wrist;
  • Fourth - tattoo in a quarter of the arm, from the shoulder and not reaching the elbow.

We hasten to reassure those who are sensitive to issues related to pain. A tattoo on the arm is not a very painful procedure, so even gentle girls can easily endure the process of tattooing. Summarize.
