» Places for tattoos » Men's elbow tattoos

Men's elbow tattoos

Today I propose to talk about such an interesting and gaining popularity phenomenon as tattoos on the elbows. Many are interested in what paintings are suitable for this zone, whether it hurts to make a tattoo on the bend of the arm, whether the drawing will slide later. We will try to answer all these questions in a detailed and accessible way in this article.

In my opinion, the elbow tattoo - purely male prerogative... Girls are not very willing to slaughter this place, except that we are not talking about sleeve from elbow to wrist or from shoulder to elbow... Although often, even in such cases, the fold of the arm itself, as a rule, remains intact.

I bet most of you, when you mention elbow tattoos, imagine prison tattoos with spider webs. We wrote about their meaning in detail in the corresponding article, so we will not dwell on this now. Let me just say that today these stereotypes are practically forgotten.

Men's elbow tattoos are more typical for those who want to stand out from the crowd, be original and unusual. Their prison meaning gradually fades into the background.

So, we found out that tattoos in the elbow area by themselves do not have a special meaning. The meaning of each tattoo is direct depends on what its owner puts into it... It is much more interesting to talk about the experience of applying different subjects to this place from the point of view of the artist. And there are several important points here.

The bend of the elbow is an extremely mobile zone, the skin on it is very stretched, therefore, if you clog this place, the picture with a bent and unbent arm may look different. That is why in most photos of elbow tattoos you will see scenes in which the drawing is made, as it were, along the edges, leaving the bend itself either intact or completely painted over. It's important: you should not put complex paintings with high details in this place: dragons, various animals, realistic images of faces, etc. Geometrically correct and simple subjects, such as stars, ornaments, patterns, are much better suited. Take a closer look at blackwork styles и dotwork tattooMost likely there you will find great ideas for elbow tattoos!

An interesting fact that many people forget about is that the shape of the elbows can be strikingly different from person to person. This spot can be flat and rounded, making symmetrical tattoos the perfect subject. There are also pointed, chiseled, sometimes even double elbows. Here you need to select an individual sketch, adjusting it taking into account the shape.

The last thing I would like to say is the pain of this place. Like the rest of the arm, the elbow is not characterized by increased susceptibility to pain and, despite the small amount of subcutaneous tissue in this area, the process should be relatively calm for you.


Photo of men's elbow tattoos