» Places for tattoos » Tailbone tattoos for girls

Tailbone tattoos for girls

If men most often, when choosing a place for a tattoo, prefer biceps, then the girls give the palm to the tattoo on the tailbone. This is due to the fact that the male figure narrows towards the lower back, while the female figure, on the contrary, is slightly widened towards the bottom, because the tattoos look very aesthetically pleasing for girls. In addition, there is an opinion that tattoos on the tailbone of men indicate the unconventional orientation of their owner, therefore, representatives of the stronger sex rarely choose this area for drawing.

If necessary, a tattoo on the tailbone can be easily hidden from prying eyes under clothes. If there is a desire to demonstrate a beautiful drawing to others, then it is enough to wear jeans or a skirt with a low waist and a short T-shirt.

Most often, butterflies become the motives for such works, dragonflies, stars, flowers, cats (as a symbol of independence and self-confidence), as well as snakes and lizards. No less popular are the so-called "thongs" - symmetrical triangular patterns. They can be either just a decoration or contain ethnic or religious symbols (the meaning of which depends on the owner's taste and worldview).


The main question that worries many is whether it hurts to get a tattoo on the tailbone. This zone really is one of the most painful in terms of tattoo drawings. The fact is that in this part of the body, the bones are located very close to the skin. As you know, it is this factor that affects the soreness of a tattoo. Therefore, people with a low pain threshold are not recommended to get a tattoo on the tailbone. If you nevertheless decide to take this step, be prepared for the fact that for several hours (the time of the session depends on the size of the drawing, as well as on its complexity), you will have to endure quite unpleasant sensations.

Basic information about the tattoo on the tailbone (for girls who have chosen this particular area for drawing on the body):

  • any image, ideally, should be symmetrical, since any discrepancy will immediately catch the eye;
  • after tattooing, be prepared to wear clothes made from natural materials for a while, so that the skin will heal faster.

Otherwise, caring for a tattoo on the tailbone is no different from caring for images on any other part of the body.


Photo of a tattoo on the tailbone