» Places for tattoos » Photos and meaning of knee tattoos

Photos and meaning of knee tattoos

We did not specifically talk about knees in the article where we discussed tattoos on the legs. In fact, this is the most rarely clogged place after the head. On the streets, it is almost impossible to meet a man or woman with tattoos in this place. There are several reasons for this.

First, it is worth knowing about some important practical features of knee tattoos. The skin in this place is extremely mobile, rather rough and unruly. You need to understand that a picture with high detail (butterflies, flowers, animals, etc.) just won't look like the sketch.

Secondly, knee tattoos are painful. If you or someone you know has a similar experience, share it in the comments! I'm sure it was unforgettable.

The third, but not least, reason is the special meaning of the tattoo on the knee. I would say that all the plots applied in this place can be divided into two groups: the star and all the rest. Let's talk about the first type in more detail.

The meaning of the star tattoo on the knees

In this case, we will focus on prison tattoos, which are dedicated to the section on our website. The eight-pointed star is a striking example of such tattoos and is an attribute of thieves in law. Traditionally, its meaning is laid down in the phrase "I will not kneel before anyone." Often, the owners of such a tattoo, getting on the zone, are subjected to tests in order to defend the right to possess it. But that's a completely different story. Better check out some interesting calf tattoo sketches! Summarize:


Photo of knee tattoo for men

Photo of knee tattoo for women