» Magic and Astronomy » Review of the book "Astrology of the Zodiac"

Review of the book "Astrology of the Zodiac"

The book "Zodiac Astrology" is an encyclopedia of astrological personality types, thanks to which you will find answers to questions about your character.

Review of the book "Astrology of the Zodiac"

The book is a publication by Henrik Rekus, a specialist in the field of numerology, the author of publications that have forever entered the canon of esoteric literature. In his book, the author makes an exhaustive analysis of 12 personality types - from Aries to Pisces. At the same time, he manages to identify detailed additional features that characterize the archetypal representatives of individual signs of the zodiac.

The form of the book is based on clear tables, thanks to which we have a clear description of all the signs of the Zodiac. Each sign is separated, so it is impossible to get lost. The numbering of each symbol starts with 1 and ends with any number greater than 200. Some zodiac signs end with 210 or 211.

Each number has its own domain, for example 1 means the season, for example 19 is the body, the last number is always an element. The domains are organized alphabetically, and each has a comprehensive description. There is no shortage of information such as: childhood, hobbies, lucky number, color or food. The author pays the most attention to the number 17, which means characteristics. This is a complete description of everything that may interest the reader in his own astrology: what this zodiac sign appreciates, what he constantly fights for, what he is good at, what should be avoided.

The book allows you to approach yourself from a distance, highlight your strengths and take a critical look at your shortcomings. You don't have to look for the perfect star links to your own profile. However, you can relax and soar in the clouds.

What speaks for an encyclopedia of astrological personality types? First of all, simplicity. Clear and understandable language, transparent form and, above all, a huge amount of information. Each reader will certainly appreciate the convenience and reliability of Henrik Rekus' publications. Enjoy reading!