» Magic and Astronomy » Divination - one year old child

Divination - a one-year-old child

The celebration of the first birthday of a child is often diversified with fortune-telling. While it should be taken with a pinch of salt, tradition has it that it allows you to know your child's future. Learn more about divination!

Divination - a one-year-old child

Divination for a one-year-old child

traditional divinationon the occasion of the release of the child first year of life is to place various objects in front of the child. Which of them the baby picks up, portends his future - for example, what profession he will choose one day.

In the past, this divination was very popular and functioned in various ways. Sometimes only three items were placed in front of the child (usually a rosary, a glass and money), sometimes there were many items (for example, a book, a wedding ring, a pen were also added). Divination also changed from time to timegender of the child. A hammer and playing cards were placed in front of the boy, and threads and clothes were placed in front of the girl.

treatment divination for a one-year-old child with distrust it is worth checking what, according to tradition, can lead to the fate of the baby. Of course, do not be discouraged if your child does not decide on a brighter future and reaches for a glass - fortune-telling is just entertainment.

How to tell fortunes for a child?

We put different things in front of the child, preferably on the table or on the floor. Decide if you choose the basic version divination with three objectsadd more. If you put a lot of things in front of the child, you do not need to stop at the fact that the baby will choose one thing. Then he can reach, for example, up to three objects.

Some people hide the props, for example, under the same plates, so that the child does not see what is under them and what he chooses. Then he chooses an item at random. Others, in turn, put things on top so that the baby can "consciously" choose. After all, the child is not aware of the associations associated with the objects under consideration. He will reach out to whoever interests them the most.

What items to use for divination?

For divination for a one-year-old child, you can use various items - according to your own invention. There are several versions in the tradition, and each thing symbolizes a different profession or a different future for the child.

  • Rosary (can be replaced with a prayer book, a cross or a picture depicting, for example, the Virgin) - symbolizes pious, good life. Depending on the region, it was sometimes also believed that if a child reached for the rosary, he would become a priest or a nun in the future.
  • Book - symbol of wisdom. If the child chooses a book, he will to study welland maybe even become a professor.
  • Cup - The choice of glass does not bode well. The little birthday boy in the future will love alcohol and will drive dissolute lifestyle.
  • Money - symbolize wealth and resourcefulness in life. If a child reaches for money, he will lead prosperous life and he will never know poverty.
  • Playing cards - means train to gambling and spending money.
  • Hammer or pliers - when a child reaches for tools, he becomes a "jack of all trades."
  • Wedding ring - when a baby chooses a wedding ring, it portends good luck early marriage or marriage. In other interpretations, the choice of an engagement ring simply means a happy family and married life.
  • A pen - also symbolizes the ability to express oneself beautifully write. There is also an interpretation that a child who chooses a pen will become a clerk, writer or office worker in the future.
  • No one - symbol tailoring. This may mean not only the choice of a profession, but also the ability to be a good housewife in the future.
  • Clothing - if a girl chooses clothes, she will be there in the future she loved to dress up (in a rather negative sense, although there are also positive interpretations).
  • Musical instrumentsuch as flute or cymbals - the child will be very musically talented, maybe even stay musician.
  • Cosmetics for make-up - when a girl reaches for cosmetics, in the future she will overly care about her appearance, matures conceited man. There is also a positive interpretation that the child will become a real beauty.
  • Mobile phone - the child will remain in the future businessman.
  • Laptop or computer mouse - symbolizes the profession Get in touch.
  • Student index - baby will get A good education, graduate.

If the profession is traditionally practiced in the family, it is worth placing an item associated with it, such as a stethoscope.

Do not be surprised if your child is not interested in any of the items and after a while goes to his toys or takes care of them carefully. watch over the guests. This does not mean that the baby does not have a bright future!