Generally about the Slavs

Who can we call Slavs? Summarizing Slavs we can name a group of Indo-European peoples using Slavic languages, with common origins, similar customs, rituals or beliefs ... Currently, when we talk about the Slavs, we mainly mean the countries of Central and Eastern Europe, such as: Poland, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Slovenia, Russia, Ukraine and Belarus.

Religion of the Slavs

Religion of the Slavs was of great importance in their daily life. He formed entire generations, and therefore our ancestors. Unfortunately, not many references to beliefs have survived ancient Slavs ... Why? As a result of the collision of the cultures of the ancient Slavs and Christians. Christians gradually supplanted the original beliefs and replaced them with new ones. Of course, this did not happen quickly, and in fact, many people began to combine these two religions - many teachings, holidays and symbols of the Slavs.was associated with Christian teaching. Unfortunately, many (most) of the old customs have not survived to our times - we only have references to some religious customs, names of gods, superstitions or symbols (signs) used by people living, among other things, in the territories of today's Poland. ...

Slavic symbols and their meaning

The main source of symbols, as in most ancient cases, was religion. Unfortunately, for the above reasons, we are left with only vague references to the symbols used by the ancient Slavs, but we can still raise some suspicions about specific symbols - their meaning, and less often - their history. Often Slavic symbols associated with the worship of certain gods (Sign of Wales) or with the expulsion of evil forces (Symbol of Perun - Controlling lightning) or demons. Many signs also symbolized important things in everyday and spiritual life (Swazhytsa - Sun, Infinity).

You're viewing: Slavic Symbols

Star of Lada

The Star of Lada is a symbol (and source) of wisdom that ...


The Source largely correlates with the Center of the same name...

Star of England

The Star of England can enhance the protective power of that...


The amulet in the form of Svitovit was always worn by pregnant women...


This symbol can be used as a talisman for...


Our ancestors gave Svarga a huge sacred...

The net

Ntsevorot is sometimes also called thunderstorm. This is a symbol...

Rod symbol

The Rod symbol represents solar energy...


In the domestic aspect, Rubezhnik was used only in...


The birthmark is a universal symbol of grace...