» Articles » Piercing festering - what to do?

Piercing festering - what to do?

Fashion is constantly changing, different elements of decoration of the human body appear and disappear. Now it has become very cool to do piercings again. Recall that these are skin piercing of different parts of the body (navel, ear, nose, eyebrows) with further decoration. It all depends on what you really want and how far you can develop your fantasy.

Everything would not be bad if some negative moments did not arise, which I would like to talk about now. It's not about the most pleasant thing: what to do if complications arise after such a procedure - the piercing hurts, the puncture site festers? It should be emphasized that this is not a cosmetic procedure, but a surgical one. Therefore, sterility, disinfection and the rules of caring for it are the main components of your future health.

But, if for any reason you are faced with the fact that the piercing is festering, we will try to help you. First, we need to figure out what "suppuration" is. It is also called abscess... This is a natural process that usually lasts no longer than a couple of days. At regular flushing the puncture site, there should be no problems and the suppuration will pass quickly enough.

What should pay attention

A few rules for treating piercings that have festering:

  • Do not treat the wound with hydrogen peroxide, brilliant green, iodine, alcohol, cologne, saline, Vishnevsky's ointment;
  • Chlorhexidine, miramistin, levomekol, tetracycline ointment are universal rescuers. But remember that levomekol can be smeared not until complete healing, but only until the wound stops festering, because the rate of regeneration may decrease; and tetracycline ointment dries, but can not be used everywhere;
  • If you have started the treatment process, then first wash the wound, and only then apply the ointment, and not around, but on the wound itself. It is best to do this at bedtime with a sterile dressing. They should be done approximately 5 times a day, then, as the healing progresses, the number of times should be reduced;
  • Don't forget about personal hygiene;
  • Don't forget about vitamins. Use vitamin C (ascorbic acid), multivitamins, and zinc-containing foods to speed up the wound healing process.
  • But the most important recommendation is still going to the doctor. Only a competent specialist will be able to consult you and attribute the funds that will really help you. This is the best way!

Change! Be beautiful! Just take care of your health - the most valuable thing we have!