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How to carry out shugaring at home?

Today, shugaring is one of the most popular methods of depilation. The minimum degree of discomfort, the absence of allergic reactions, the rapid removal of even ingrown hairs, the prolongation of the period of clean skin - all this contributes to a high demand for the procedure. However, for the same reason, its cost is growing, which makes girls look for ways carry out shugaring at home... Is it possible? How to replace professional paste and save yourself from mistakes?

Main characteristics of the procedure

The main difference between sugaring and wax depilation - the closest technology to it - is penetration depth working mixture.

Sugar paste not only acts on the surface of the skin, but also partially penetrates the pore opening, as a result of which it eliminates the hair from the inside. However, it does not affect the follicle, which is why it cannot be called shugaring epilation in the full sense of the word, although for depilation it is deeper.

Foot shugaring procedure

  • What length of hairs should be in order to be able to carry out all the manipulations correctly? 2 mm is enough: the technology features allow you to work even with such short hair.
  • How often can you use sugar depilation? If you are interested in a deep bikini, professionals advise you to wait at least 14 days. For other zones, taking into account the rate of hair growth, the waiting time can stretch up to 25 days, since after this method of removing them, the growth rate slows down.
  • If you decide that you want to carry out shugaring at home, then 2 days before that you need to give up the solarium and sauna, and the day before - from fatty creams and various wraps. Before depilation, the skin should be clean, without changes in the balance of its oil content and pH.
  • Peeling, on the other hand, is recommended by all cosmetologists as an excellent way not only to exfoliate the upper layer of the epidermis, but also to open the pores, preparing them for hair removal. After the procedure, it is recommended to repeat it, but it is better to do it the next day. This is especially important for the bikini area to reduce the likelihood of ingrown hairs.

Otherwise, the rules for preparing for shugaring are the same as for waxing. The tissue adjacent to the treated area should be natural, so as not to provoke irritation, and the procedure itself should not be prescribed before an important event - depending on the characteristics of the skin, the duration of its recovery (calming) may take 3-4 hours or 2-3 days.

Making depilation paste at home: recipe and tips

The density of the paste varies the ratio of sugar and water: for very hard, they need to be combined in a ratio of 10: 1, for the softest - 2: 1. Varying these numbers leads to the fact that you are choosing the best option for yourself.

  • The classic recipe for soft pasta - 3 tbsp. water, 6 tbsp. sugar, 1 tsp. citric acid.
  • A solid paste is obtained with 1 tbsp. water, 10 tbsp. sugar and the juice of half a lemon. It can be replaced with citric acid, which is taken in an amount of 10 ml.

Sugar depilation paste

The cooking process itself is identical to that as if you were cooking ordinary caramel: bring to a boil on low power in a metal container, boil until slightly darkened and thickened, remove from heat. Approximate total time - 15-20 minutes, no more.

It is very easy to check the readiness of the paste: collect a small amount of mass with a spoon, try to collect it into a ball. If it holds its shape even when hot, it's time to stop cooking.

This mixture can be stored in the refrigerator, rolled up in plastic wrap, but professionals still advise for each procedure prepare a new portion, especially since it is not long and not time-consuming and costly.

Shugaring at home. How to make shugaring paste.

How to choose the type of paste?

Before considering several names or deciding on a recipe that you want to follow, you need to pay attention to main principle choosing a paste to make shugaring at home. It is on these criteria that the master cosmetologist is primarily guided.

Leg hair removal process

For different areas of the body, you may need different versions of the paste, which will require either the purchase of several jars, or a separate preparation of the mixture for the armpits, legs and bikini.

Everything is explained precisely by the previous criteria - the stiffness of the hair and the temperature in different parts of the body are not the same. Thus, for the bikini area and armpits, they usually take a hard, dense paste, for the hands and face - very soft, and for the legs, a mass of medium density is suitable.

In general, the products on the modern market are divided into only 3 types:

Sugar Paste Balls

It should be noted that even the last variety should be easy to knead and stick to the selected area. If this does not happen (which is often what people without sufficient experience complain about), either the type of paste was chosen incorrectly, or the product was poorly heated.

For the first samples of shugaring at home, it is recommended to stay on a paste of medium or low density.

Professional ready-to-use sugaring pastes: an overview

If you do not have the opportunity and / or desire to cook the paste yourself, you can buy it in a professional store: usually a similar department exists in the same place where products for masters of nail service and cosmetologists are presented. But an inexperienced consumer, especially who has never tried this type of depilation in the salon and decided to sugaring at home, will easily get confused in a large assortment of not only manufacturers, but also varieties of a particular brand.

Are there any differences between the many colorful jars?


The label assures that the manufacturer is Israel, however, experienced specialists assure that the production is located in the Moscow region. However, this does not prevent the product from being at an average level and being in high demand. Most economical option, since it is consumed in a small amount: 3 kg of funds are equivalent to 130-150 depilation procedures for the bikini area. Easily warmed up by hand or wax.

Cosmetologists call the most convenient for work soft, but in rare cases, medium-density paste is used. The smell is not pronounced, jasmine, but can lead to an allergic skin reaction due to the chemical fragrance. Good suitable for beginners.

Cannaan Sugar Paste


A product of the same level as the previous one is also not bad for self-testing homemade sugar depilation. However, if you want to make this procedure as easy as possible, it is better to look for higher quality products.

The highlight of this manufacturer is menthol paste, which soothes the skin during depilation, as well as kits for beginners.

Gloria paste


Also a Russian-made product, but, according to the reviews of professionals, it is a cut above the previous ones. Does not require warming up, since it retains its plastic consistency in the room, and the consistency varies from very soft to hard in 5 degrees: from 10 to 50. The higher the number, the thicker the paste. It is noteworthy that there is no citric acid in the composition.

Ready mix for sugaring Maris


Plastic, soft texture, perfect for sensitive thin skin. This paste is often recommended for sugaring the area above the upper lip, as well as the bikini area. Its appeal lies in the fact that the means does not freeze instantly, thereby allowing you to calmly distribute it and remove it without much difficulty from the skin.

Pandhy's Caramel Paste

To make your choice, we recommend that you familiarize yourself with the reviews of professionals and ordinary consumers, but in addition, you need to carefully read the instructions for each jar, since not all professional pastes can be used for home manual shugaring.

Remember that each master adheres to his own technology, as a result of which the product may not suit him because of its characteristics, and not the initial unsuitability.

Algorithm of the procedure and recommendations of specialists

Often, beginners miss the most important point - Cleansing, and thereby doom themselves to many mistakes, including absolutely not captured hairs, and their uneven removal. But, of course, the primary task of this stage is to prevent the introduction of any kind of infection.

Cleaning the work surface can be carried out either with a special lotion or tonic sold in professional stores, or with simple pharmacy disinfectants: for example, Chlorhexidine or Miramistin. However, they do not open up the pores, which a special lotion is capable of. For this reason, experts advise, before doing shugaring at home, take a hot shower (10-15 min.)

Despite the fact that the procedure itself practically does not cause discomfort, some women can still experience painful sensations. To avoid this, you can do surface anesthesia (so-called application) strictly to the working area. To do this, use Lidocaine in a spray or Emla cream, which contains not only lidocaine, but also prilocaine, which is well suited for reducing the sensitivity of the nerve endings on the face.

Anesthetic drug Lidocaine

The procedure for anesthesia is as follows: after taking a hot shower, pat the skin dry with paper towels, spray Lidocaine (3-4 presses for 1 area), then cover this area with cling film and leave for 1,5-2 hours. The pores will not have time to close with absolutely non-breathable material before the depilation begins. Liquid lidocaine from ampoules is applied in the same way. As for the Emla cream, it can be used according to the same technique.

However, do not forget that any of these drugs is medical, as a result of which it requires caution in use, as well as familiarization with the instructions and testing for allergic reactions.

How to make shugaring at home? The whole algorithm looks like this:

  1. Degrease your skin.
  2. Sprinkle with talcum powder.
  3. Spread the heated paste over it.
  4. Let cool and remove with a quick motion.
  5. Finish with a soothing toner.

But, of course, there are much more nuances here than a couple of suggestions can make. Especially if you are performing the procedure on yourself for the first time. What do you need to pay attention to to get it right?

Shugaring scheme

Removing the paste from the skin

In the case when all the steps described above are performed correctly, no problems will arise: clean, undamaged skin will be the result of your short but diligent work. However, in the process, some difficulties may still arise, some of which will help to resolve the advice of professionals.

Not always, after the first procedure, absolutely all hairs are removed, especially if we are not talking about a gun, but about coarse, dense hair. In this case, you can safely reapply the sugar mixture to the same area: this will not provoke irritation, so the number of repetitions can be absolutely any.

Features of deep bikini shugaring

Before you decide on a sugar depilation in the bikini area, make sure that the hairs have sufficient lengthand there is no damage to the skin, including abrasions and scratches. Also, a contraindication can be fungal and bacterial lesions, diabetes mellitus.

Bikini zone sugaring: before and after results

Summing up, it is worth drawing your attention to the fact that during the next day after the shugaring, sports and other physical activities are not recommended, since sweating can become a prerequisite for purulent rashes due to clogged pores. And for 2-3 days, you should not take a hot bath and visit the sauna, as well as the pool due to the high proportion of chlorine. The shower should be warm and not too long.