» Articles » Ideas for Tattoos » Dia de los Muertos inspired tattoos: origins, photos and meaning

Dia de los Muertos inspired tattoos: origins, photos and meaning

You've already heard about Sugar skull o candy skull... In the world of tattoos, these are drawings of Mexican origin, which represent skulls painted in different colors, or the faces of women in masks with motifs that mimic the features of the skull. These tattoos come from a Christian religious holiday in Mexico that coincides with our All Saints Day: we are talking about The day of the Dead.

Cos'è Day of the Dead?

El Dia de los Muertos is a festival that, as the name suggests, celebrates the dead. Although now considered a Christian holiday, El Dia de los Muertos is an adaptation of a pre-Columbian holiday. The festivities can last for several days, and unlike what happens in Europe, the Mexican Day of the Dead is full of color, food and music. But this is not the only difference.

In contrast to the Christian-European concept of death, which stipulates hell or heaven as a destination, for the pre-Columbian population, the destination of the soul of the deceased was determined not by the behavior left alive, but by the way the person died. ... For example, the drowned did not go to the same place as the natural death. In any case, the celebration of death was and remains very important for Mexicans.

Tatuaggi Day of the Dead: meaning

From the luxurious flowers and flowers present at these celebrations, the corresponding tattoos are born, which depict death and "dress up" it. THE tatuaggi ispirati for the Day of the Deadlike sugar skulls, they are often made in honor and memory of a deceased loved one. Decorations are often floral, such as chamomile, which is a typical flower of the Mexican tradition, but other flowers also often appear, including red roses or tulips.

Anyway, I mexican skull tattoos they should never be dull or scary, in fact they holiday of life and serve as a reminder for the living, reminding them that deceased loved ones have now found a new dimension of the world.