» Articles » Ideas for Tattoos » Santa Muerte tattoos: what do they mean?

Santa Muerte tattoos: what do they mean?

I tattoo with santa muerte, or Catherine, I mexican tattoo a very common of which, however, not everyone fully understands the meaning. Often Santa Muerte is a skeleton dressed like Madonna, other times she plays the role of a girl with a skeleton face (similar to the style used in Candy Skull). But what is Santa Muerte (or rather, who is it)? What is its origin? Let's find out together!

Who is Santa Muerte? Santa Muerte is a Mexican deity of pre-Columbian origin. She is also called the Mexican Madonna or Katrina, and, as has often happened in history, she was born from the union of a pagan deity in the typical iconography of the Catholic religion.

Santa Muerte is actually descended from an Aztec goddess death and rebirth, called Mictecacihuatl, but dressed in the style of medieval European women, just like the saints of Catholicism.

It is also said that Santa Muerte is a deity. very strict and jealous.

According to popular belief, a slight dedication to this is considered an extremely dangerous act: Santa Muerte's favorite punishment is death, not of a sinner, but of a loved one.

What is the meaning of a tattoo with Santa Claus Death?

I Holy Death tattoos they should by no means be taken lightly, and it is much better to know their meaning first get a tattoo.

In fact, although this is a very ancient deity, most recently the cult of Santa Muerte has returned to fashion in the countries of South America.

A deity who does not shun death and the most severe punishments, many of his believers are criminals and drug dealers, and this is the reason why the Mexican government still hesitates to formalize the cult of Santa Muerte. THE Santa Muerte tattoos are often associated with Mexican crime, so it's worth thinking carefully about whether to do it alone or not.

Does this mean that it is better not to get a Santa Muerte tattoo?

Unfortunately, having tattoo with santa muerte in many countries this means that you are being judged (badly). However, like any tattoo, even a Mexican Madonna tattoo is a completely personal choice. It is important to do this consciously, knowing its current and past cultural significance.