» Articles » Ideas for Tattoos » Dragonfly tattoo symbolism: 99 designs

Dragonfly tattoo symbolism: 99 designs

Dragonflies belong strekoz family, as well as dragonflies. Legend has it that they descended from dragons, which is why their English name (dragonfly) was a tribute to their mythical ancestors. Dragonflies have an important place in many Asian cultures. The beautiful islands of Japan were originally known as Akitsushima or Dragonfly Islands , in honor of this noble insect, which is said to have helped the mythical founder of Japan, Emperor Jinmu.... Since then, dragonflies have taken a special place in Japanese culture. They are the main characters in many works of art and literature and are considered symbols of courage, strength, prosperity and happiness.

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In some parts of China, dragons are symbols of purity, harmony and subconsciousness. As aquatic creatures, dragonflies are symbols of emotion, and their presence represents purity. our innermost thoughts and dreams .

Dragonflies have also served as the inspiration for many works of art. Indigenous North American tribes such as zuni or new, considered dragonflies to be symbols of speed and dexterity, and often depicted them on tribal pottery, carved stone reliefs and necklaces. During revolution в modern style In the early 20th century, dragonflies and beetles were the main motives for haute couture accessories.

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However, dragonflies have not always had such a positive reputation. In some parts of Europe, they were considered the devil's protectors sent to create chaos. In Portugal, they were considered "eye catchers", and in Sweden - creatures circling around people and appreciating the value of the souls of evil children and evil adults. Then the dragonfly sewed them mouths, ears and eyes so that they would no longer harm others.

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Dragonfly symbolism

- Prosperity, luck, strength, peace, harmony, purity

The dragonfly is a winged creature that represents change. Its iridescent wings are terribly sensitive to the slightest wind, which reminds us to pay attention to the direction of the wind and therefore not rush into the storm.

Dragonflies are also aquatic creatures: creatures that live in or around water represent subconsciousness or dreams and thoughts of the soul. Water is also a symbol of the subconscious at the level of thoughts that arise in us when we are in a meditative state or subconscious dream.

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The symbolic meanings of dragonflies are mainly associated with Asian or Japanese circles, but also with those of the indigenous peoples of North America.

The dragonfly has a short life, and she knows that she must live the maximum time allotted to her. This is a great lesson for all of us.

The dragonfly knows that it stands in an immense watery depth of thought of unprecedented, potentially life-changing depth: a filthy mass of thoughts that represents our primordial divinity, a virtual repository of expansive expression.

The dragonfly is the core between the earthly world and the spiritual world. It maintains a balance between the primary being and the higher self.

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Dragonflies carry messages of our innermost thoughts - they ask us to pay attention to our innermost thoughts and desires.

If we consider how a dragonfly moves, how it glides across the surface of the water, it encourages us to observe each of our deepest thoughts floating to the surface and realize what we hope for as consequences. It is a reminder that when our deepest thoughts surface, we need to pay attention to them because there is a lesson to be learned from that. We must also be aware that what we think is a direct displacement of what we see on the surface ... Our thoughts and even thoughts of the subconscious, which we may not be as aware of as our waking thoughts, are responsible for what we are. we see in our life and in our physical environment.

They say that if a dragonfly lands on you, then a deceased loved one comes to you.

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Meanings of drawings of dragonflies

Dragonflies have a mystical atmosphere and charm that is hard to ignore. These small creatures, full of spirit and vitality, over time began to personify things such as:

  • Meditation and the subconscious
  • Freedom and frivolity
  • Elegance and grace
  • Harmony
  • Cleanliness
  • Prosperity and abundance
  • Good luck
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Dragonfly tattoo options

1. Dragonfly Fairies

В Dragonfly lives next to the bodies of the water element associated with subconscious and human emotions. They represent prosperity and good fortune. Dragonfly fairy tattoos represent your connection with nature and innocence; they show your funny side and are especially popular with women.

2. Dragonflies and flowers

Flowers are natural symbols of femininity, youth and beauty, and dragonflies are symbols of freedom, frivolity and subconsciousness. The type of flower from which the body is made is of great importance and completely changes the overall meaning of the design. Dragonfly and flower tattoos represent feminine beauty and freedom.

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3. Dragonflies and butterflies

Dragonflies and Butterflies - transformation beings. Both are going through a period of metamorphosis, passing from a state of not very ragutant pupa to a state of any beauty. Both spend time in the sky and are a sign of freedom and frivolity. On the other side, dragonfly is also an element of water, so this insect represents our emotions hidden under the surface.

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4. Tribal dragonflies

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The beautiful black lines of tribal tattoos have cultural and spiritual significance to the indigenous peoples who live in the region where these designs originate. The exact meaning of each tribal motive is jealously kept secret by tribal elders, but in general, tribal motives help define your mental and spiritual connection to a particular culture. Drawing a dragonfly using tribal images is also a way to establish a connection between the unique spiritual meaning of this little insect and the cultural identity of the region. Dragonfly tribal tattoo personify the strongest mental and emotional connection. perhaps with the culture and its people, as well as your own quiet personal inner strength.

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