» Articles » Ideas for Tattoos » Many ideas for a blue tattoo

Many ideas for a blue tattoo

We are used to seeing tattoos in black ink, especially around the edges. However, in recent years, thanks to new artistic movements influencing the world of tattoos, many have decided to get blue tattoo... The effect at first sight is undoubtedly interesting and arguably lighter than a tattoo with black outlines, but if you choose floral motifs, the result is exceptional, like small porcelain paintings!

But let's talk about this color, let's reveal some curiosities. First, in history, blue was considered not a very positive color: for the Romans it was the color of the eyes of the barbarians, while for the Greeks (who called it Cyanos, hence Cyan and Ciano) it was the color of malaise, cyanotics.

However, with Christianity, the perception of blue changed, which actually became the color of the Virgin Mary and, therefore, a symbol of peace, tranquility, serenity... For the Egyptians it was the color of spirituality and introspection and in the East it was even a color capable of protect from the evil eye.

The term "musical" also comes from the word "blue". Blues. The color blue associated with mood (often used in English in expressions such as “I feel blue”) means malinconia... Also, blue is the color of royal blood for a rather curious reason: before tanning was anything important, tanning indicated that you were a landowner. On the other hand, nobles displayed their status as white as possible, and when the skin is extremely white, the superficial veins visible to the naked eye are usually blue in color.