» Articles » Get rid of unnecessary - depilation of armpits

Get rid of unnecessary - depilation of armpits

Armpit waxing is not only a tribute to fashion and beauty, it is also a matter of health. The fact is that there are many sweat glands, which, in the presence of hair, work several times more actively. As a result, there is an unpleasant odor and the threat of skin diseases due to the multiplication of bacteria.

Types of Procedure

There are two types of hair removal suitable for this delicate area. They can be easily done at home:

  • The first is getting rid of the outer part of the hair, which includes shaving and applying special creams.
  • The second is the removal of the entire hair, including the bulb, we are talking about waxing and sugaring.

It is possible to make a choice in favor of any one remedy only after a careful analysis of each of them.

Armpits after depilation

With a razor

The easiest and fastest way to get rid of unwanted hair. True, getting flawlessly smooth skin after using a razor is tricky. Most often, noticeable Black points, especially if the hairs are dark and coarse.
However, if you use some tricks, you can get quite good results:

  1. The shaving machine must be of high quality, with a double or triple blade. It is very good if there are special protective strips on the razor.
  2. If the hair is very thick or too stiff, it is better to give preference to the men's triple blade looms.
  3. A dull razor will easily cut your skin and should not be used.
  4. Underarm shaving irritation can be easily avoided by using soothing lotions with herbs (chamomile, calendula, aloe).
  5. To prevent hair from growing in after shaving, use special agents that slow down their growth.

Underarm depilation with a razor

Use of creams

A very good substitute for shaving is removing unwanted vegetation with specialized depilatory cosmetics.

A few recommendations:

  1. The underarm area should be lubricated with a product for sensitive skin to avoid an allergic reaction.
  2. Before the procedure, you need to take a shower, then apply the cream on dry, clean skin, wait for the time indicated in the manual and remove it in the direction against hair growth with a special spatula, which is included in the kit.
  3. Do not use deodorants after depilation within 24 hours, otherwise irritation or allergies will appear.

The main advantages of creams are that they can be applied at home, and the skin after using them is smooth, without redness and blackheads.

Removing excess hair with depilatory cream


This is one of the most effective ways getting rid of unwanted vegetation. Together with the hairs, the hair follicle itself is removed. Therefore, the appearance of new hairs is possible not earlier than 2, or even 5 weeks, in addition, the constant use of wax slows down hair growth, makes them weakened and less pigmented. Each time, the procedure will be less painful.

Preparatory stage:

  1. For waxing to be successful, the hairs should be about 5 mm long. Smaller hairs are harder and more painful to remove.
  2. The day before the procedure, you should scrub the skin and do not use any creams or lotions.
  3. Before depilation, it is advisable to take a hot bath, this will open the pores, and the hair will be removed much easier.
  4. The wax is ineffective on damp skin, so you can lightly dust the area to be treated with talcum powder.

Step-by-step process of depilation with wax strips

Only hot wax is used to depilate the armpit area.

Depilation... Since the hair in the armpit area grows chaotically, it is better to divide their removal into two stages: depilation of the lower and upper parts of the cavity. Therefore, the patch with wax must be divided in half, and each part must be treated in turn, against hair growth. Then wipe the hair removal site with chlorhexidine or hydrogen peroxide.

How to do waxing correctly, all the subtleties and nuances of the process can be learned from the video.

After depilation... For two days after hair removal, do not sunbathe, visit the sauna and swimming pool, use deodorants and other cosmetics containing alcohol or chemicals.



This method resembles depilation with wax, however, it has a number of advantages over it:

  1. You can prepare a mixture for shugaring at home, and the cost of the components is quite low.
  2. The natural composition (without the use of various chemical components) makes it possible to use this method for everyone without fear of allergies.
  3. The sugar mass removes hairs without injuring the skin, and the length of the hairs can be very small - 1–2 mm.
  4. When sugaring, ingrown hairs do not appear, because they are pulled out in the direction of growth.

Armpit shugaring

Как make yourself sugar paste:

Ingredients: 1 cup granulated sugar, 2 tbsp. tablespoons of lemon juice, 1 tbsp. spoon of water.
Preparation: Stir the ingredients, bring to a boil over low heat. Cooking takes about 10 minutes, during which time the mixture should acquire an amber hue. Remove the cookware from the heat and cool to room temperature. Properly prepared pasta easily rolls into a ball.

Step by step preparation of sugar paste


You will have to repeat the procedure no earlier than 3 weeks later.

Video on how to properly depilate with sugar paste.


There are many ways to wax your armpits at home. Some are quite painful, but the effect of their use lasts for a long time. Others do not cause discomfort, but require constant repetition. Which method to choose depends on your skin sensitivity, pain tolerance, and personal preference.