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Nipple piercing

As you know, human fantasy is limitless, and there are more and more ways of self-expression. One of these and quite unusual is the nipple piercing. In this article, we will discuss in detail all the nuances of this difficult topic.

Many argue that there are more than enough advantages in this procedure, for example:

  • High sensitivity and sexual pleasure;
  • Hiding imperfections (nipple bulge);
  • Human perception (risky, interesting personality);
  • Popularity in the modern environment.

If you decide to decorate your nipples this way, you know, it will hurt. Immediately after the procedure, a person may feel sudden tingling sensations. Complete healing of wounds can take up to 4 months. Not only women can make such a puncture, but there is a similar tendency among men. It can be very risky only for the weaker sex. There are several reasons why no puncture allowed:

  1. Pregnancy;
  2. Chemotherapy;
  3. Diabetes;
  4. Hepatitis;
  5. Gastritis;
  6. Congenital heart defects;
  7. Tendency to rheumatism;
  8. Skin infections, etc.

Nipple piercing: how is it done?

First, the consult a doctorso as not to put your health at risk. If there are no fears, you can start fulfilling your dream. The second step is to choose a good salon with a professional craftsman who will do their job with the proper professionalism. We think this is logical. After all, why spoil your health, waste time and money on poor-quality work?

If all the previous recommendations are followed, go directly to the process itself. First, the instruments are disinfected, marks and the needle puncture line are made, anesthesia is chosen and the nipples are brought to arousal. Further, the procedure must be performed in complete calmness so that the puncture channel does not shift. After that, add the decoration and that's it - you are the owner of a fashionable "upgrade" of your body!

You need to understand that such interventions require special care, which we will talk about later, but it is important to understand that the main condition here is peace.

What jewelry do girls with nipple piercings choose?

The answer is different, which is more pleasant and cheers up. They use rings, half-rings, barbells, shields made of different metals: titanium, acrylic, zirconium, medical steel. You can buy unique products in specialized stores.


Piercing care includes compliance with the rules:

  1. It is necessary to treat the wound in the morning and in the evening with chlorhexidine, making compresses. It's simple: a few drops of medicine were dripped onto the cotton wool, applied and sealed with a plaster.
  2. You can take a shower on the fourth day after the puncture, but you must first apply a bandage;
  3. Do not touch with dirty hands;
  4. Do not wear tight clothing;
  5. Do not visit solariums, swimming pools, saunas;
  6. It is strictly forbidden to use brilliant green, iodine, alcohol;
  7. If you feel pain, there may be an infection in the wound. Wash the puncture and apply Levomekol ointment;
  8. Pay attention to your diet: eat more foods that contain B vitamins with zinc;
  9. Remember to visit your doctor if your wound takes a long time to heal. Self-medication can be ineffective and even harmful.

You can remove the piercing if something doesn't suit you (for example, a crooked piercing). But to pierce the nipples again, you need to wait 6 months.

What are the consequences of a nipple puncture?

Have girls milk ducts may be disturbed, which will complicate future feeding of the child. Some people may develop a harmless cyst behind the piercing. The problem with tenderness in the chest is very real. Well, allergies. If the wrong puncture is made or the wrong treatment is made, scars may remain. The most dangerous are hepatitis or HIV infections through non-sterility of instruments. Remember, everyone has individual characteristics of the body and the immune system.

We think you've made sure that there are always two sides of the coin. Along with the pluses, there are always enough minuses. Only you have the right to decide what to do with your life and body. Just do not forget that there is only one life, and our relatives are always worried about us. Therefore, be very vigilant when carrying out any action in your life. After all, one wrong step, and you will become a hostage of your own health - the most valuable. Remember, fashion is fashion, beauty is beauty, and good feelings, healthy appearance, excellent mood are the best that a person can feel.