» Articles » How to remove a tattoo at home

How to remove a tattoo at home

The internet boasts a variety of tips on how to get rid of a tattoo.

However, is everyone helping so well, this article will tell you about it in more detail.


You can often find recommendations that salt works well for removing fresh tattoos. Salt is irritating and can also defuse the skin and draw in fluid. Thus, it is possible to partially remove the pigment, but this does not guarantee complete removal.

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This method has its drawbacks associated with prolonged wound healing, or the appearance of scars. Also, salt requires special vigilance, because this can lead to the appearance of a microinfection.


It is believed that an unsuccessful tattoo can be removed with the help of sweat. The best place for this is the bathhouse. There is a grain of logic in this, because the master categorically forbids visiting the bathhouse after the tattoo has been applied.

First of all, the bath is prohibited, since it causes a significant flow of blood. In this case, the tattoo will not change much, but the swelling may remain for a long period.


Most often, Internet users recommend removing tattoos with potassium permanganate. However, it should be understood that scars remain from such an action, which is why it is considered a rather dangerous way.

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Potassium permanganate acts as a chemical oxidant and leads to severe burns, which are subsequently scarred.


Some tattoo artists believe that by treating the tattoo with XNUMX% iodine, it will gradually fade.

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Experts say that iodine can lighten the pattern, but this will not help completely remove the tattoo. This is due to the fact that the pigment is located somewhat deeper in the skin than the applied iodine solution.

Hydrogen peroxide

From advisers, you can hear the myth that treatment with XNUMX% peroxide can make the tattoo colorless. Hydrogen peroxide is primarily a disinfectant that loosens the skin. This method is quite safe, but completely useless and will not be able to help you.