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Piercing history

Piercing is a decorative modification of the human body by piercing certain parts of it. Surgical steel is used as the metal to create the hole. After the wound has healed completely, you can install jewelry made of gold, silver or other metals. Nickel and copper are an exception, as they can cause oxidative processes. The most popular piercings for the entire existence of piercings are:

  • Ears;
  • Lips;
  • Nose;
  • Language.

Piercing since time immemorial

In general, we owe piercing as a culture to African tribes and peoples from the coast of Polynesia. One of the first who began to wear huge jewelry on the lips and ears is Maasai tribe... In modern times, these techniques are better known to us as tunnels in the ears и lip piercing... There is also an opinion that in ancient times the tribes deliberately mutilated their bodies in order to avoid slavery. There is another assumption: supposedly the piercing of different parts of the body should have been match the appearance of sacred animals... The last statement seems to be the most plausible.


Often, the degree of punctures and the size of the jewelry testified to the social status of a person. The more of them, the stronger and more authoritative the representative of the tribe was considered. Ancient Roman soldiers were honored to pierce their nipples. By this they emphasized their courage and bravery.

We owe the piercing of the navel to the women of Ancient Egypt. Even then, the priestesses of the pharaoh and the girls close to him were distinguished in this way. Earlobe and cartilage piercing was a hugely popular phenomenon among the American Indian tribes. In general, the presence of such ornaments near natural holes on the human body served to scare away and prevent the penetration of evil forces into the body.

If earlier among the peoples professing the culture of piercing, this trend looked like something self-evident, today in our country connoisseurs of pronounced punctures are only gaining popularity among the population.

In general, throughout human history, punctures on the body were found almost everywhere in people of various professions. It was worn by women of Southeast Asia, Siberia, Africa, Polynesia. In the Middle Ages, piercing was popular among hunters, various traders and merchants, soldiers, representatives of the most ancient profession.

Piercing in modern times


Most modern piercings are made for decoration. It received a significant impetus in its development at the border of the 20th and 21st centuries. It was then that piercing became a real trend. Following fashion, people do not stop from even the most sophisticated body punctures in order to be in every possible way similar to their idols and celebrities. Someone is a representative of a subculture professing this style.

Increasingly, people are showing a desire to get pierced either just like that, or in order to join a certain group. Fashion designers, rock groups, representatives of show business have had a great influence on piercing of body parts. Modern youth wants to indulge them in almost everything. Piercing in this regard is the smallest amount of respect for your idol.

Some people argue that the world today is too dull and dull for them. Only with the help of piercings can they color it up a bit and bring unique notes of perfection to the human body. Whoever says anything, however, everyone is guided by their own personal motives and reasons in relation to various kinds of punctures.