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Piercing Migraine Treatment: True or False?

Migraine sufferers know how unpleasant and unpleasant this disease can be. Samantha Fisher, a 25-year-old British girl, has had this since she was 4 and her migraine got so bad that she had to take 11 pills every day! And then one day he made an extraordinary discovery: an American girl got rid of this ailment with the help of a piercing called Piercing tour. It only remained to try, and Samantha did it. "The migraine is gone"I felt relief as soon as my ear was pierced!" Samantha said.

So, is it true that Dait piercing cures migraines?

First of all, it should be pointed out that medicine There are no real migraines. However, there are methods that alleviate or dull symptoms, and piercings are, according to many accounts, one of them.

Why does piercing help people with migraines? 

The piercing is applied to the innermost part of the ear cartilage, called Alice root... This same point, according to reflexology known to those who practice acupuncture, for example, is associated with migraines and headaches, so piercing seems to bring relief to those suffering from these disorders. However, there is currently no research or additional evidence beyond the evidence that strongly suggests that piercing is the definitive solution for migraine headaches.

However, this is an alternative that is worth considering, not forgetting that there are very beautiful and original piercings on the market that will turn a "healing" solution into a real ear jewelry 😉