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Cool stars of the past (and no) ... tattooed!

How would it be if Marilyn Monroe, Arnold Schwarzenegger., Elvis Presley, Audrey Hepburn o Bruce Lee starred in cult films in which we love them so much ...tattooed? Of course, our grandmothers would be horrified if they saw that Audrey or Marilyn were bad girls.

They would surely have a different effect, but it cannot be denied that their charm remains absolutely explosive. Perhaps because of the '50s look with which Marilyn celebrated the history and canons of femininity, tattoos would give that bad girl touch that has always made so many boys dizzy!

Not to mention Spock, John Lennon e Jack Nicholson Absolutely fantastic, covered in old school tattoos! In a word, these tattooed stars of the past (but not only) are a real sight, presented to us by wonderful photoshop, but, as they say ... it's worth nothing to dream! 🙂