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How to properly care for a fresh tattoo, a complete guide

If you are reading this article, then why maybe you just got a tattoo and you are interested how to properly care for a tattoo... Taking care of your tattoo right from the start is the best way to ensure optimal healing and maintain a beautiful tattoo over time.

How to cure a tattoo

The function of the skin and why the tattoo is "traumatic"

In order to understand the importance of proper tattoo care from the earliest stages, it is helpful to know what is the # 1 function of the skin and what the tattoo consists of for our skin.

As everyone knows, the skin consists of several layers, each of which has specific cells and performs its own function. In general and in general (the skin is beautiful and very complex), Skin's purpose # 1 is to protect us preventing bacteria, viruses, dirt and other unpleasant things from entering our body and bloodstream.

When we get a tattoo the skin is repeatedly punctured with needles (more or less large) and are subject to additional stress if skin irritating colors (eg red or yellow) are used. Blood can come out while the tattoo artist is working, this is normal and nothing to worry about. However, this means that the integrity of our skin is compromised because the needle holes have opened paths from the inside out, making us more vulnerable to bacteria, dirt, etc.

Should we be worried? Obviously not.

How to properly care for a fresh tattoo

First of all, it is useful to know that modern creams that tattooists use first to disinfect and then to soften the skin during tattooing already contain disinfecting and antibacterial substances.

I think it goes without saying that it is fundamental consult a professional tattoo artist who uses sterile or disposable materials, gloves, mask, well-cleaned and protected work area, etc., etc.

What happens after the tattoo artist gets the tattoo?

The following usually happens:

• tattoo artist cleans tattoo gently using green soap or another similar agent that is used to remove excess ink or any drops of blood.

• tattoo covered transparencies

There are two types of transparencies:

- if the tattoo is small, cellophane is usually used with a small amount of electrical tape.

- if the tattoo is larger (about 15 cm and above) there is adhesive films (for example, clear patches) containing emollients and disinfectants that can be worn for several days.

Whatever the nature of the clear film, its purpose is to do what our skin can hardly do in the first few hours after tattooing: Protect us from dust, dirt, bacteria, rubbing clothes, etc.

The tattoo artist will select the most suitable film for the occasion.

How long should the transparent film last on the tattoo?

The tattoo artist will always give you a rough guide on how long to keep the tape. Usually the film is stored within the first few hours after the execution, then at the end of the day it is removed, and gently cleans the tattoo with mild soap (even here the tattoo artist can advise you) and apply one tattoo cream.

Bepantenol®? You can use?

It's not forbidden, but there are so many tattoo-specific products in 2020 that we should probably forget about bepanthenol once and for all.

How to cure the tattoo in the following days?

As a rule, the tattoo "breathes" well, so it cannot be covered with other films or plasters in the first days after execution. Protecting the skin and promoting healing is good wash the tattoo morning and evening with a mild cleanser and apply tattoo cream... Never overdo it with cleansing, as even overdoing it can slow down healing or even cause irritation.

Tattoo Care FAQ

Especially when it comes to the first tattoo, some skin reactions may seem "strange" to us. Here are some frequently asked questions to ask yourself when you get home with a new tattoo.

Why is the tattoo red / swollen?

Tattooing is a traumatic event for the skin. Imagine that he pokes him with a needle tens of thousands of times: it's okay if he blushes a little.

In the first hours after the execution, up to 1-2 days, the tattoo may turn slightly red at the edges or swell.

However, if the redness and swelling does not go away after the first few days, but rather the area becomes very tender or painful to the touch, consult a doctor immediately.

On the peel tattoo, is that okay?

As we said, it can happen that a little blood may leak out while doing the tattoo. The skin is actually scratched and punctured, so if in the first days after the execution you notice that small crusts form, do not be alarmed.

How do you know if a tattoo is infected?

If the tattoo gets infected, your instincts will be the first to sound the alarm.

Signs of infection are usually: pain, redness (even a few days after the execution), severe itching, bleeding, or pus.

Slight paranoia when first getting a tattoo is normalbut if you are afraid that you have an infection and the anxiety persists over time, it is always best to see your doctor for a safety check.