» Aesthetic medicine and cosmetology » It all starts with a look!

It all starts with a look!

Reflecting all our emotions and our reflections, our eyes are a reflection of our soul, but they can also be a harsh condemnation of our rhythm, our age or our fatigue, and sometimes even our genetic heritage, which is clearly and increasingly manifested in our face by eye fatigue.

Sad and tired look: doesn't that look like you?

Our entire body is subject to the inevitable effects of time. As we age, we lose some of our freshness, our carefully maintained appearance. Even on the eyelids, bags under the eyes and wrinkles come with age and appear all over the skin.

Losing tone, the skin breaks the look under the effect of a permanently tired look.

Creams for daily use, natural masks and anti-aging products of all brands ... we are trying our best to overcome these symptoms of aging, because the beauty of the eyes can be bought at any price.

Blepharoplasty, vision correction

La blepharoplasty represents the most appropriate and reassuring solution to the obvious effects of wrinkles around the eyes. The look that fades with age is no longer able to bear the full weight of your always fresh, always young heart and your smile.

Addressing women, as well as men over forty or those who have defects due to a hereditary factor,eyelid surgery a truly revitalizing touch to the eye contour and sagging skin of the eyelids. This plastic surgery aims to correct the lower and/or upper skin and reshape your eyes to give you an elevated look.

Whether you suffer from puffiness or excess skin around the eyes, it removes these unwanted signs and guarantees eye rejuvenation.

All about blepharoplasty Tunisia

This is a frequent and safe operation in Tunisia, not complicated at all, with a minimum level of risk and simple and tolerable postoperative consequences. It lasts from 20 minutes to 1 hour depending on the case. Blepharoplasty is usually performed under local anesthesia by a competent surgeon to obtain natural-looking results.

The sutures are removed between the 4th and 6th day after the operation, which allows the results to show gradually 4-6 weeks after the operation. The scars are very invisible and begin to disappear in the first 3 months after the intervention with regular wearing of glasses and daily sun protection. Depending on the individual, results are visible up to 10 years, especially when quitting tobacco and sun exposure. As a rule, they are satisfactory, allowing the eyes to acquire a fresher look and rejuvenate the eyelids.

Postoperative phenomena in the form of edema or light bruising with irritation and temporary discomfort in the eyelids and tolerable pain during the first 24 hours and up to a week.

Blepharoplasty Cost Tunisia available and much cheaper than in Europe.