» Aesthetic medicine and cosmetology » Male Breast Augmentation: Diagnosis and Treatment Options

Male Breast Augmentation: Diagnosis and Treatment Options

Gynecomastia is the name associated with male breast enlargement. One or both breasts may be affected. In medical terminology, male breasts can be associated with gynecomastia, pseudogynecomastia, or mixed gynecomastia. That cosmetic breast reduction surgery in Tunisiaoffers the appropriate treatment to flatten the male chest.

Possible causes of gynecomastia in men

Male breast enlargement can be caused by a number of factors. One of the most common causes is overgrowth male mammary gland due to high estrogen levels. On the other hand, overdeveloped male breasts can also be caused by fat that accumulates around and behind the nipples or areola. This is a case of pseudogynecomastia, which usually affects people who are overweight.

In most cases male gynecomastia is a combination of breast tissue and breast fat. Exercise or losing weight will not shrink a man's breasts. Surgery is the only solution.

Treatment of gynecomastia in Tunisia: efficiency and low price

The male chest consists of hard glandular tissue and soft adipose tissue. A man with gynecomastia may have an excess of both tissue types. Thus, the treatment proposed la combines two procedures. In Tunisia, cost of gynecomastia treatment quite low compared to the rates offered in other countries.

elimination fats that cause unpleasant male breasts

Firstly, liposuction allows you to get rid of local fat deposits. It involves inserting a small tube through a tiny incision to suck out the fat cells. Fats are removed forever, their reproduction is impossible.

The role of the scalpel in the treatment of gynecomastia

Then, if the surgeon notices excess breast tissue, he makes an incision to remove the glandular tissue. This usually leaves a scar around the edge of the nipple. You can also schedule skin tightening to avoid sagging skin. If significant tissue and skin reduction is required, the incision and scar will be larger.

Postoperative stage of gynecomastia surgery

After gynecomastia surgery, the chest will be swollen and the patient should wear an elastic compression garment for 2 weeks to reduce the swelling.

Moreover, for complete healing of about male gynecomastia surgery. Complications of the operation are rare. These include insufficient removal of breast tissue, uneven breast contouring, and reduced sensation in both nipples. Circumcision can lead to the risk of blood clots. This may require drainage.