» Aesthetic medicine and cosmetology » Facial care after 40. Expert advice |

Facial care after 40. Expert advice |

The aging process of the skin starts after the age of 25, so we must start using preventive treatments that will help us enjoy young, radiant and healthy skin.

With age, there are changes in the structure of the skin, which are associated with the loss of adipose tissue, with a decrease in the production of collagen, hyaluronic acid and elastin, which are the ingredients that make up the "skeleton" of our skin. In addition, over the years, regenerative processes slow down, as does our metabolism, so it is worth stimulating our body, including the skin, with natural methods.

Healthy skin is also a healthy body. This must be remembered, because we can observe hormonal disorders in both women and men in the appearance of our skin.

The condition of the skin affects the treatments we can offer. Depending on the condition of the skin, the effects last longer or shorter - sometimes they can even be insignificant, so it is worth taking the advice of a cosmetologist and aesthetic medicine doctor. The more hydrated and cared for the skin, the better the results. Hyaluronic acid in such skin lasts longer and binds water better.

The effects of skin aging can include:

  • loss of facial contours
  • loss of skin elasticity
  • wrinkles
  • visible wrinkles

Many patients come to us when the problem is really visible in the mirror, it starts to bother, and sometimes affects self-esteem. Therefore, do not postpone the visit when you notice sagging cheeks, persistent expression lines, wrinkles around the eyes and around the mouth, pronounced nasolabial folds, or even discoloration of blood vessels.

Currently, aesthetic medicine and cosmetology offer a wide range of activities and technologies, which gives us the opportunity to act not only on the skin of the face, but also on the neck and décolleté (places that, unfortunately, are overlooked in everyday care). Metamorphoses are often spectacular. Aesthetic medicine and beauty treatments or beauty treatments are indispensable when we want to take care of ourselves holistically.

At what age should we start an adventure with cosmetology and use beauty treatments? Our patients are even people at the age of 12, when acne problems begin. This is also the best time to learn how to properly care, use cosmetics designed for this problem and skin needs.

Some procedures of aesthetic medicine for preventive purposes are worth using even after 0 years. Such a treatment is, for example, Botox for crow's feet, which is the result of a frequent smile and dynamic facial expressions.

How to take care of mature skin?

In order to get a good skin condition, it is necessary first of all to ensure its hydration and hydration. Dry skin looks more mature, with more pronounced wrinkles - this is also when facial features are more pronounced.

Therefore, first of all, it is worth drinking about 2 liters of water a day. Equally important is proper skin care at home. Moisturizing creams containing active ingredients will be a great addition to the procedures. It is worth paying attention to the fact that the care is rich in ceramides, retinol and peptides; regular cleansing and exfoliation will give mature skin a radiant look and radiance. Performing anti-aging procedures in a beauty parlor will complement home care.

Recommended facials for people over 40

To start a series of treatments, consult with a beautician before the procedure.

Hydrogen Purification Aquasure H2

First of all, it is worth carrying out a basic care procedure, for example, hydrogen cleaning, so that the skin is thoroughly cleansed and prepared for further anti-aging procedures. Treatment does not require recovery and is a very good preparation for the next steps. However, once popular microdermabrasion is not recommended for mature skin.

Platelet rich plasma

Treatment should begin with natural stimulation and administration of platelet-rich plasma. The drug, obtained from the patient's blood, contains stem cells and is injected like a mesotherapy needle into the deep layers of the skin. Treatments with platelet rich plasma increase the level of skin tension, reduce wrinkles, increase skin elasticity and have a regenerating effect, making the skin radiant. A series of procedures is about 3 with an interval of a month. In the case of needle mesotherapy, bruising can occur, so it is worth considering this aspect when making decisions and making an appointment, because this is not a “banquet” procedure. After the series is over, it is worth doing a reminder procedure every six months.

Fractional laser IPixel

The once popular lifting threads have been replaced by a more invasive procedure, such as a fractional laser, which causes micro-damages in the deeper layers of the skin and evaporates water from the epidermis, which is a shock to the skin cells because we cause controlled inflammation in it. . This procedure stimulates fibroblasts to produce collagen, makes the skin more elastic, smoothes wrinkles and the surface of the skin. It is worth remembering that inadequate sun protection during laser treatments can lead to discoloration, so creams with SPF 50 are a great ally here. The procedure, depending on the initial condition of the skin, should be carried out 2-3 times a month. The ablative fractional laser requires a recovery period of 3-5 days until the microstructures begin to flake off. Therefore, it is better to schedule this type of care for the weekend, when we will not need to apply makeup and we can relax and restore the skin.

clear lift

The Clear Lift procedure is a great alternative for people who don't have long recovery time. This laser creates a columnar mechanical damage to the skin, thereby causing controlled inflammation without compromising the integrity of the skin. As a result, the skin becomes firmer, firmer and more radiant, so Clear Lift will be a very good solution for mature skin after 40 years as well. By acting on different depths of the skin, you can achieve the effect of smoothing wrinkles, lifting and improving skin tone. These procedures are carried out in series of 3-5 procedures with an interval of 2-3 weeks. After a series of procedures, it is recommended to carry out reminder procedures to consolidate the results obtained.

Removing discoloration

Popular therapies address changes in facial skin color as a result of photoaging. The skin around the face ages faster than the skin on the thighs or abdomen. This is due to the fact that the skin pigment melanin splits unevenly, usually under the influence of sunlight, forming spots of various sizes. To rejuvenate, it is worth taking a course of treatment for the décolleté or hands that betray our age. The course of treatment is 3-5 procedures with an interval of one month. It's time to get well. Immediately after the procedure, the patient may feel warmth and tightness of the skin. The next day, there may be swelling, and immediately after treatment, the stain darkens and begins to peel off after 3-5 days. People with a tendency to discoloration after the summer season should use laser therapy to get an even color.

pH formula - rejuvenation

Among the non-invasive treatments recommended for skin over 40 are the latest generation of chemical peels containing not only a mixture of acids, but also active ingredients. Chemical peeling allows you to rejuvenate the deeper layers of the skin and fight specific problems. We can choose from: AGE peel with an anti-aging effect, MELA with an anti-discoloration effect, ACNE with an effect against acne vulgaris (which adults also suffer from), CR with an effect against rosacea. This is a procedure that does not require convalescence. There is also no peeling, as is the case with older generation acids. We carry out procedures once a month, preferably in the autumn-winter period.

Dermapen 4.0

Microneedle mesotherapy is an ideal solution for mature skin. Thanks to the system of fractional micropunctures, we facilitate the delivery of active substances to the epidermis and dermis, providing stimulation of fibroblasts. The resulting skin microtraumas allow us to use the body's natural abilities and innate ability to regenerate the skin and produce collagen. The procedure is selected according to the needs, since the entire procedure is selected individually for the patient's skin. Thanks to the use of original Dermapen 4.0 equipment and MG Collection cosmetics, we can offer treatments that guarantee results. The course of treatment includes three procedures with an interval of 3-4 weeks. Treatment does not require recovery.


The aging process affects more than just the face and neck. The offer of rejuvenating treatments also includes treatments for intimate areas. With age, especially in menopausal women, hormonal changes occur that affect skin hydration, collagen and elastin production. We must remember that in every area of ​​life we ​​must feel confident and content. Our offer includes the Sonocare treatment, which, by emitting nanosounds, acts on firmness, blood vessels and collagen fibers. The effect of the procedure is to improve hydration, tension and elasticity of the skin, which is also reflected in the satisfaction of sexual life. In addition, the procedure is completely painless and does not require convalescence. The course of procedures includes three sessions with an interval of three weeks.

Facial care after 40 - price ranges

Procedures cost from PLN 199 to several thousand. It is worth starting, first of all, with a consultation with a cosmetologist to adjust the procedures, but also remember about home care, which is of great importance in the periods between procedures and allows you to get better and more lasting results.

Cosmetic and aesthetic procedures - benefits for mature skin

When caring for mature skin, we must act both in the field of cosmetology and in the field of aesthetic medicine. It definitely gives the best results. Let's not be afraid to turn to specialists and use more invasive treatments.

Our slogan is "We discover natural beauty", so let us discover yours.

In the hustle and bustle of everyday life, we forget about ourselves. The fact of using therapies should not be visible at first sight. Let others think that you are refreshed and rested! We like to achieve such effects. Small changes with an impressive overall effect is our goal!