» Aesthetic medicine and cosmetology » Combined figure correction |

Combined figure correction |

Nowadays, patients expect fast and impressive results, and body care and the use of procedures in the field of cosmetology and aesthetic medicine have become commonplace. Combination therapies give us the opportunity to achieve the desired results quickly and permanently. Modern technologies offer more treatment options, thanks to which we can reduce the local accumulation of adipose tissue, improve skin elasticity, fight unwanted cellulite and model muscles. In aesthetic medicine, we focus on effects based on combination therapy adapted to the needs of the skin. We can support ourselves with home treatments such as exfoliation or dry brushing, but they will never replace treatments performed on professional equipment.

Why is it worth combining procedures with each other?

During consultations, we often encounter a variety of problems of a different nature. An appropriate treatment regimen allows the therapy to be tailored to the needs of the patient, resulting in long-term effects. The combined treatments used for weight loss and body shaping provide a synergistic effect, thanks to which we strengthen blood vessels and stimulate the production of collagen and elastin. This provides patients with faster results than either of the technologies used in the procedure alone. The combination gives us the best results because we are working on the same problem, but with different technologies and at different depths. Thanks to modern procedures, the skin becomes toned, moisturized, and cellulite is smoothed out. The use of combination therapy is a real challenge for a cosmetologist. In the era of the colossal development of cosmetology, the correct selection of parameters, the qualification of the patient for the procedure, Beauty Planner, taking into account the influence of external factors, is the key to success. The best results are obtained by combining treatment with physical activity and diet.

Will we achieve better results by combining treatments?

Combined therapies have been shown in studies to produce much better and more significant results than either of the technologies used alone. Through electronic communication, we can admire the effects of the technologies used. Nothing speaks to us like real effects visible to the naked eye. By working deep into the skin, we first see a significant improvement in skin quality and firmness. The overall appearance of the skin and the smoothing of cellulite is visible after the third or fourth treatment in the series, depending on the technology used. It is also worth taking care of the skin at home between treatments, using peels and lotions dedicated to LPG Endermologie, which we add to each treatment. Such care increases the effectiveness of treatment by as much as 50%. By influencing tissues with various technologies, we increase the production of collagen and elastin, which thickens and improves skin hydration, which means it makes the skin radiant. It should be noted that by working on the quality of the skin, we reduce stretch marks and scars.

What body treatments can we combine at the Velvet Clinic?

Among the treatments we offer, we can find technologies such as: LPG Alliance endermology, STPRZ MEDICAL shock wave, ONDA COOLWAVES and SCHWARZY. All these technologies can be combined with each other in various configurations, because each device works on different problems: local excess fat, skin laxity, cellulite. We do not need to worry about discoloration, because none of the technologies affects the epidermis (this is also not laser therapy). It is worth remembering that the main problems with cellulite can have a complex basis and depend on hormonal factors that need to be examined and consulted by a gynecologist (in the case of women) or an endocrinologist. In the case of stretch marks that appear during weight gain or loss, we can act on them with other treatments. Of course, figure modeling technologies will affect the skin and improve its appearance, but it is worth focusing on the stretch marks themselves and performing needle procedures in these places, i.e. mesotherapy. The same is true for scars that we can't get rid of, but we can make them more like the surrounding tissue.

What effects can we expect and how long will they last?

Effects resulting from combination therapy:

  • reduction of adipose tissue
  • skin firming
  • cellulite reduction
  • increase skin elasticity
  • body shaping (muscle stimulation)

After the series of treatments is completed, the treatments should be done once a month to keep what we have done for the skin in the clinic. At home, you should use a body scrub, rub your body with a dry brush, use lotions from the LPG line to enjoy smooth skin and maintain the effect.

How often to carry out procedures?

Endermology is a way of life, so the procedures after the series should be carried out once a month.

ONDA COOLWAVES technology allows you to permanently remove fat cells. It is an alternative to liposuction that uses ultrasound. We can carry out a maximum of four treatments in a row in a given area, subsequent treatments are only possible after six months in the same area.

STORZ MEDICAL Shockwave - It is worth repeating this procedure every three months.

SCHWARZY is an electrical muscle stimulation that should be repeated approximately 3-6 months after the end of the series.

It all depends on the initial state of the tissues and external factors. The patient receives specific recommendations after the completion of the series.

Make an appointment with Velvet Clinic to discuss and determine the best strategy for you.

At Velvet Clinic, you can model your body quickly and effortlessly. Often, even when we are actively exercising in the gym, we are unable to get rid of fat from specific parts of the body, so it is worth putting yourself in the hands of specialists and maintaining physical activity.